Sunday, February 26, 2012

بقايا حلم تائه ...

في غربة يسكنها الصمت ضيفا دائما .. سكنت ..
طاردت اطياف وطن وجدته فيك ..
 وطن اعتقدته لسبب ما .. انت ..
وفي خضم معاركي الوهمية .. وبحثي الازلي عنك ..
أخطأت .. شردت ..
صرخت باسمك عاليا في دجى الليل .. وهربت ..
 وسقطت جريحة ..
على رمال صحراء ..
في ليل يختبىء فيه نجم القطب ..
وتغيم السماء ..
ويصبح القمر انيسا لضياعي ..
وتحرق الشمس اطراف ذكرياتي عنك .. 

انت ..
يا رائحة ياسمين دمشق ..
 تعبق داخلي كنبضة قلب مهشم ..
يا دمعة رجل حمل الشرف علما ..
ونفي بشروط جائرة ..
كيف يختفي الطريق المعبد اليك ..
وابقى انا .. كجسر .. يحمل متاع الاخرين ..
ابقى كصلة ..
لا تحمل هوية ..
وتفتخر ببقايا انسانية ..

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

من دون اشعار اخر ..

ترتقي الظلمة المحتقنة داخلنا الى مستوى اخر الان .. باحثة عن منفذ للخروج .. 
ونبقى نحن في حالة من الانصات الى الصمت الذي يسبق العاصفة .. 
قد لا تكفي تلك اللحظات المخبأة عن تاريخ النسيان .. 
ولكنها لا زالت تهيج الالم المطوّي عند عتبة الخوف .. 
نحن بقايا ذاكرة محتلة .. وحرية تتوارى عن الانظار .. 
ننادي .. نصرخ باصوات محتبسة داخل اقفاصنا الصدرية .. 
لانها منعت من التجول .. 

علمنا ان نسرق الامل .. 
لقّنونا ان الحب .. هو منتهى الامل .. 
وان الطموح .. غاية لا تدرك .. 
سرقت منا صفحات كنا نرسم عليها الشمس ..والجبال .. وكوخ صغير .. 
مزقت اوراق الشعر امامنا .. 
أما القلم وسيلة اخرى .. 
لشطب اسمائنا من الزمن .. 

التاريخ .. يكتبه المنتصرون .. 
اما الحقيقة توارى تحت السرير .. الى ان تقرر الرحيل .. 

نحن .. 
نحن فقط نمثل دور الباحثين عن الحقيقة .. 
مرتدين احذية اللذين مروا بتلك الحلقة المفرغة من مسرحية هزلية فاشلة .. 
ويأتي الرحيل .. 
ليريح من امثالنا .. وطنا يحتاج الى الأمل .. 

نصل الى اولى عتبات الالم .. 
نبدأ عندها بالانين .. 
صوت .. يخرج .. من دون اشعار اخر ..

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Few messy thoughts ..

   When a feeling consumes you so hard that you can barely breathe...  when your heart is convinced that it doesn’t have a real place on this earth... Where could you possibly go?
  When everything you fight for doesn’t fight to win you back... When friendship is more like a thin thread when it comes to life crises... what can you do?
I know it sounds real stupid. .and irrational, but why not to confess that some of our irrational actions are meant to be... Why drinking coffee does seem more rational than wearing non matching colors?? Why do we have to rationalize everything we do, or feel to link it with what so called reality...? And actually use the “welcome to the real word” metaphors? What is wrong with fantasies? We all lived there for quite some time...  it felt safer... We were happy back then!
  Does labeling do more harm that we think it does? Being called: happy, rational, successful... Does that mean anything when you feel like you’re being eaten up inside, when you’re not allowed to scream your lungs out asking for help or compassion...?? Scared to hear the echo of your disparate thoughts?
  Wanting something that bad... Isn’t rational... The wind is blowing right to the opposite direction, and you’re trying so hard to sail through this storm. All of a sudden, your ship cracks, shatters to tell the truth, and that small raft that is called “hope” carries your tired soul, your executed body to the center of this blizzard. The salt in the water blinds your eyes, which it hurt whenever you’re going to get a glimpse of a distant shore... There’s just no place to go...
  One day... After believing that you can do it, you choose a direction, and start swimming, with the help of that old tired raft... You smile believing that this raft... Your only friend... Will never abandon you... You start to see shades of a land... you smile... all you think about that now... I can do whatever I want... Simply... I can actually walk... Jump of joy... Or just enjoy a dry sunbathe...
  All these dreams are touchable now... Everything has a smell... And the sun’s rays warms you like it’s the first time you see it...
 Dreams... Never come true... And rafts don’t stick around forever...
 The raft is gone... Somewhere, in the middle of foreseeing the future... I forgot to take care with the only thing that was there for me...
 Now, it’s gone... And I have no one to lean on...
 Now, I’m going under... And I’m not sure if I want to be saved...

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Out of the box !!

    I've always lived in this box; my whole life was craved on its black walls... Enjoyed the company of the shady boy next door and other colors didn't exist... It was only... Shades of grey... And it was always a really comfortable place.
   One day a ray of faint light escaped through a small crack, a crack made by three strangers (OMG!! Aliens!! ) . I saw curious eyes, seekers of inspiration, searching for a spring of life in this rabbit hole that my mind inhabited since the beginning of the time.
They moved the cover of the box, and all i managed to do it to move my head up and look for the light that filled my senses. After that all i wanted to do is understand the new colors that invaded my comfort zone...
I tried for 4 days to escape that hole, and join David , Joan & Nadine in their colorful world , i wanted to change the shades of gray for once in my life . See the world from a different angle. I searched, tried and at the end, i built a ladder to claim up, and got the chance a peak to the world outside... And it was mesmerizing.
I may not be out of the box yet, but that glimpse of the world outside will always be the ultimatum wish of my insignificant being...
Thank you guys... And thank you for leaving that crack open to the end of time.